Our company is located in Minami-Uonuma, Niigata Prefecture, the source of Japan's highest quality rice brand, "Uonuma Koshihikari".
Delicious rice zones in Niigata
*The dark green zone (toku-A) indicates the highest evaluation

The taste of rice differs according to farming areas and the weather. Niigata is particularly known for producing good rice. "The Rice Map" by the Rice Databank Co. shows the yearly market evaluation of rice as a barometer for the rice industry. This map, based on the Rice Map 2005, before the large-scale merging of municipalities in 2006, is a detailed area map of the Niigata rice evaluation, in which rice producing areas are classified into 7 grades.

The taste of rice differs even within the top rated area. By and large, the rice produced on the southeastern Niigata, the mountainous area, is more popular on the market.

The factors affecting good rice production are climate, soil, sunshine, and water. The best location for high quality production is where the temperature gap between day and night is big (especially in Autumn, just before the harvesting), and the average temperature is not too high. According to the data by the Japan Grain Inspection Association, the top ranked rice is mostly produced in eastern Japan where the climate is rather cool.

The map above shows the market evaluation of the Niigata rice into 7 grades. This indicates the rice produced in Uonuma region is very popular among buyers. But even within Uonuma region, the taste of rice differs by areas.

The taste of rice is affected by even the slightest variation in the place of production. The different condition of soil, as well as other factors, such as water, and the amount of sunshine, results in different tastes.

The area known to produce the best rice in southern Uonuma is called Nishiyama, on the west side of the Uono River which runs through the Minami-Uonuma area northward. The accumulation of the fertile clay soil laid down by the Uono River has been upheaved in this area, providing an ideal place for growing rice, whereas on the other side of the river the rocky land continues upward to the Tanigawa peaks and so is comparatively unsuitable for rice farming. The other hillside of Nishiyama area does not have abundant supply of water and the taste of rice is also different.